Monday, January 16, 2012

Cuanto es? (How much is this)

Wow....internet services at the hotel!

I ran out of space in my journal so I went out to buy a new one.  At first I went to the "so called" outlet mall and was told that a small notebook costs about $6.00 (AMERICAN -- you've got to be kidding!).  I gave the notebook back to the sales person and hopped back on the bus.  I figured I'd go to the Auto A&M Mercado.  This is a supermarket in Costa Rica...not as inexpensive as Mas X Menos ("X" is pronounced por) and means More For Less in English.  Mas X Menos is owned by Wal-Mart and is the least expensive store in the city.  I thought I had a picture of Mas X Menos, but I guess I didn't get a great shot.

I decided to take the bus a bit East and head past the local gas station to the Auto A&M Mercado.

When I arrived to the store, I noticed three teenage boys.  What drew them to my attention, I don't know...but you know how my intuition is.  Each time I went down an aisle...they went down the same aisle.  One was precariously close to me.

I picked up a spiral bound notebook, 2 packs of Trident gum (for the children), a 12 pack of Ritz crackers, and two 600 ml bottles of water.  When I headed to the cashier, one of the bigger teens got into the line behind me and stood less than 3 inches behind me.  (I had already been warned about gangs of teens...and knew that I should only bring what I thought I was going to spend).  I felt his hot breath on my neck...and felt uncomfortable...yet angry that he would think that I looked like an easy mark.  I turned around...looked him directly in his eyes and asked in a loud voice....por que mi seguen  (why are you following me? --at least that's what I hope I said :-) .  He shrugged his shoulder -- and didn't say anything.

To be honest, I was more angry than frightened...those youngsters didn't look menacing to me.  I chalked up their behavior to need rather than greed.  However, those youngsters didn't know "yo so de la hood" (I'm from the hood"  -- well sorta the hood" -- well....maybe close to the hood)

The cashier called the security guard over....the asked me where I was going.  I told him Le Bergerac...which was only 4 or 5 blocks away.  He said something very quickly to the boy...and then made sure that they walked the opposite way that I was walking.

The total cost for my goods was 5,285 colones (about $10.50)

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